Look For The Silver Lining

As well are affected, in many different ways, by this Covid-19 Pandemic keep looking up! Find those “Silver Linings”!

Take a moment and look up!  Find peace and joy in the simple things!  Enjoy small gatherings with family around the table! Talk and play a game!  Teachable moments and making of memories.  Keep your family safe!

There will be difficult times…especially with businesses closing down or severely limiting staff.  Cutting back will be an essential part of life…take this time to teach your children to be creative.  Show them how to not panic but be resourceful! Help those around you find the “Silver Lining”!

Remember that we are not in charge and Remember who is in charge!  God has this so make sure to pray daily for protection and join your prayers with those prayers from others.

”Pray Big and worry little!”

Peach State

In All Things


I may not know everything you are going through right now and that’s okay.  I can however share how I am.  We tend to seek out a fix during times of struggle to ease the chaos and fear.  So my God given message will now be shared.

“Every second, minute and moment…one step at a time.  Remember God, Trust God…He is in control and so able!”

Taking one second, minute and moment at a time I have had to remember this previous statement.  In the little and big things…everything.  There have been many changes that have I, and those around me, have endured and are still walking through.  “Whee! What a roller coaster!”  Don’t worry…I will not bore you with ins and outs, details left for a later time, instead I will just try and bring a smile to your day.

I’m sitting here today simply sipping my fancy healthy smoothie. “Yikes, I am making my own smoothies!”  Life is completely different from when I last posted.  I am working a real job and I am attempting to find a new balance to my existence.  The very thought of getting up and ready for work and then coming home to different dynamics has been a heart changing experience.  I have become accustomed to pulling the proverbial rabbit out of a hat that I can’t find.  It is reassuring to know that life is not orderly but filled with layers of inconsistency.  Life is not to be set in stone otherwise we are living in a sad venue of complacency.  It is filled with possibilities and change that need to be faced with discernment.  Face every day as a new and exciting journey…and look for things, “big or small”, that surprise you and put that smile in your day.  In doing this you will always put a contagious smile in the hearts of those around you.

How to succeed in this type of lifestyle

#1 Find that reason to smile, laugh…find joy!

#2 Realize that I am not in control!

#3  Prayers are heard!

#4  Singing really silences chaos!

So the concept to bring a smile to your day is this.

#4 Singing while doing anything…”In your head is fine too”…while vacuuming in true Mrs. Doubtfire style.  Think about it.  You know the scene.  Just google it…smiling yet?  I am just thinking of the scene.  The serene place where we are freely doing something with fierceness with no fear of anything or anyone seeing us.

I am looking forward to writing again.  I have missed this and you!  Please feel free to send your smiles…in pictures or events.  Let’s share with each other!  Who knows I could share your smile with someone who needs something positive in a world of negative.

“Pray big and worry small”

Peach State


Peach State says: Isn’t That Grand!?

What an incredible view I was able to share with my hubby and youngest!  It was our first time at the Grand Canyon and I have to admit I was in awe!  Pictures don’t do it justice!  “Isn’t That Grand!?”  Every nook and cranny was a revolving door of shadow and light.  The flow of the clouds danced along the peaks and layers providing photographers multiple chances to catch the perfect shot.  “If I may state for the record…There is no way a person can take a bad picture of the Grand Canyon.

It is important to share with you that you may need to have a designated non-photographer in your group.  This way you can move around and not worry about running into others taking the same picture.  Small groups of visitors moved around in the same familiar state…Phones and tripods with multiple lenses all focused on the amazing sight.  Selfies and groups with an ever changing backdrop scattered along the rocky and uneven edge of the South Rim.  There were a few photo enthusiasts who dared to attempt the best phot on the edge. I spoke with them…the title of their picture was “Giving Birth to the World!”  I won’t tell you what the pose was…you have already let your mind run with the thought.  “You should probably stop before you embarrass me as well as yourself.”

The weather on this beautiful day was chilly-windy-glad-I-had-my-thermal-shirt-and-sweatshirt day.  The wind was sustained winds between 25-30 mph with temperatures in the lower to mid 50’s.  “BURR!!!”
I had seen documentaries about the Grand Canyon and knew about the clouds flowing over the edge.  I have a few others with the varied depth of flow.  But, I knew there was a chance of wintry mix and with the cloudy overcast skies moving in we decided to leave this overwhelming and heart fluttering place.  I am, as you know, a weather watcher and a prepared mama…just wait!

As we were strolling along the path, toward the car, a wonder sentiment burst in my direction …”War Eagle!” I smiled and replied “War Eagle” and kept moving.  My hubby asked how he knew I was an Auburn fan…I just laughed and said “Honey I do have my Auburn strap on my glasses and a perfect shade of orange sweatshirt.  We recognize each other!”  He simply shook his head.  Auburn fans are everywhere!

As we said goodbye to the Grand Canyon and drove out of the park, with the heat on, we were privileged to see a group of elk.Sorry for the blur…hubby was driving a bit over the speed limit.  

I have more to share but don’t want to overload you with my unedited pictures.  I will do my best to give you a beautiful insight into our vacation!  Till then…

Coffee is my _______! Fill it in!

Peach State

Peach State says: Is Anyone With Me In The Giant Void?

20140123-131430.jpgI am sitting here watching the movie that inspired my “blogging endeavor”. 

Julie & Julia…one of my favorite movies about two of my favorite things.  Cooking and friends.

As Amy Adams character begins her blog she feels a emptiness that the words that pour out her into her blog fall into the undiscovered-vast-expanse of the deepening internet reality.  “I have felt like that…have you?”  

The pure love of food and sharing it with those closest to you…what would you serve?

Julie is up to the Lobster Thermadore ( forgive the spelling if incorrect!)  “Lobster Killer!”

I laughed so hard when the lid rises, as if the lobsters are working together to escape the “Lobster Killer”, and Julie goes running into the other room!  “Between you and me…I have no room to talk…I have never cooked a whole lobster!”

I remember going to Seattle, with my hubby, to celebrate our anniversary and having this incredible entree called “Steak Oscar”. Cheese, artichokes and crab mixed into a lovely tasty topping for my filet.  Melt in your mouth good!  Some might say better than ________!

“You can put whatever you would like to put in the blank…hehe!”

I had to attempt the delectable mixture at home.  “Success!”.  Reality does tend to enter our existence on a daily basis.  Meltdowns occur, recipes burn, dishes explode all over the kitchen.  “15 second rule!”  Julia said to never apologize if it doesn’t look right…it’s always the way it’s supposed to be!  Silly me…I still apologize!  Perhaps I am more The Pioneer Woman instead of  Julia Childs.  

I guess it is a good thing my hubby likes my creativity!  What is your favorite dish?


Life is a great cup of coffee and a box of dark chocolate!


Peach State



Peach State says: Long Time No Breathe

Between the wonderful-bipolar-pollen-coating-bloom-bursting-southern-seasonal-change and track season I can’t breath! The tightness and raspy vocalizing are beginning to irritate me in more ways than one.  “Of course my hubby started it with his need for the NyQuil and Daquil regiment!”  I love my hubby more than he knows..BUT…I wish he would get better quickly.  I’m feeling yucky.  

Peach State

You Want Me To Do What!?


I know I am not alone!  I find great relief in the fact that somewhere, right now, there is a wife being asked to do something they have never had to do before!  They’re question is the same…

“You Want Me To Do What!?

Let me back up to last night…My sweet and loving hubby called, as he does not very night on his way home, with an excitement in his voice.   “I have some fresh tomatoes for you and a zucchini!”  I don’t cook with zucchini…never have!  My hubby asked me to make him a loaf of Zucchini Bread…and one for his friend.  I thought to myself…


I googled for a recipe and made it…put the three pans in the oven and sent this picture to my hubby.   He was soooo excited!  Smelled half way decent while it cooked and I may have to try a teeny-tiny-barely visible-microscopic bite.  I will let you know!

“May your life be filled with love, laughter and really fabulous coffee!”

Peach State



Today is not just another day and if you were still here we would be on the phone. I can hear you now as I run through the conversation in my head. It’s like you never left. I’ll just tell you how things are going…

Daddy…you would be so proud of grandson #5! He did real well in track this season and made it to Regionals! He broke another personal record the other night and as he was speeding toward the finish line his head tilted back ever so slightly …a smile crossed my face and I remembered “Chariots of Fire”.

Daddy…you should see this little weed! Your #1 great-grandson is so special and smart. The other night he was watching grandad drink out of his Yeti cup….the cup went up and back onto the table. He wanted that cup! Then he realized there was one sitting next to him…

imageHe immediately fell in love with the coolness of the metal sides and the smooth lid.  “Of course I had to wash the lid before I could finish my drink!”  Oh the squeaks and squeals he made as he knawed that cup.  You would have loved it!

Daddy…I thought of you today and thought I should call you…but then I remembered you weren’t there.  You know how we are doing and laughing along with us.  There are no more tears and pain for you and I am glad.  We will be alright and we are taking care of mama too!

I love you…and miss you…“HAPPY BIRTHDAY DADDY!”

“May your cup runneth over with joy, laughter and really fabulous coffee!”


Peach State


This Is Not Your Average Weekend!

imageIt has been a long time coming…but the time is finally here!

“This Is Not Your Average Weekend!”

My wonderful hubby and I are escaping the everyday-humdrum-up-before-the-butt crack-of-dawn-run-of-the-mill…”Well you get my meaning!” We will be going to a beautiful winery/spa called the Chateau Elan, for the weekend, to celebrate our 30th Wedding Anniversary!  “And they said it wouldn’t last!”

Needless to say we are a tad excited!  So before I head off to finalize my packing I wanted to stop and take a moment to reflect!

Being married is a job!  It is a job I love even though I don’t get paid overtime!  I do love the perks…

A hubby who works to provide our family with the things we need.

A hubby who has a unique sense of humor that is completely different from mine.

A hubby who has fun singing…and no it doesn’t sound better in the shower!

A hubby who has been a steady rock when I have not been!

A hubby who loves me even when my face is blue?..”I had a cleansing mask on last night!”


I could go on but, like I said a few minutes ago, I need to go pack!  I would like to say a special THANK YOU to some sweet friends who are letting our youngest stay with them this weekend.  (You know who you are…). Without you we may not have been able to enjoy our weekend!

I will post pictures later…until then,

“May your cup runneth over with with joy, love and really fabulous coffee!”

Peach State

It’s My 6 Shot Morning!

IMG_5944My doctor asked me the other day, as my stomach growled like a roaring lion, what I had for breakfast.  A smile crept across my face and I said…”I had my usual!” I continued…”It’s My 6 Shot Morning!

I have to admit I truly love watching the different facial expressions I often get in response to that statement.  😳😡🤔😤💀🙀🙉🙊🙈

“Sorry for the multiple emojis.  I like pushing buttons!”

After I explained what I meant and my doctor was breathing again the laughter began! She was afraid I was driving while intoxicated!  I know it had to have been 5 o’clock somewhere but not in my little corner of the world.  My quaintquietquackyquirky little world is filled with arobicized activities along with the normalrunofthemill life of a mother!  I love the extra bowling pins added to my juggling routine.  The occasional diaper change and feeding, the extra taxi duties for my son and two of his friends to track practice. Oh, and the virtual treadmill of track meets!  Ah..the life of a track mom! But that’s another story for another day!

My doctor understood my need for the 6 Shot Morning…she prescribed a pill to help me sleep at night!  I left her office and headed back toward the old homestead…doing my varied errands on the way…including my drive through at the Starbucks across the street for another 4!!!  “Shh!!! What she doesn’t know won’t hurt her!”

“May your cup runneth over with love, laughter and really fabulous coffee!”

Peach State

First Easter Basket


My dear friends…for those of you who may not know…”I am a grandmother!”

I have an incredibly-handsome-smart-grandson…who is 6 months old!

He arrived a month early and is really growing.  Not a surprise seeing some how he is just like his daddy! Long story short…he loves M I C K E Y  M O U S E and soooo Nana made him a special basket.

Do you like it?

So maybe you can understand the reason I have not been as visible-active-filled with humor and writing.  I have missed you all and hope to write again soon.  Until then…

“May your cup runneth over with love, laughter and really fabulous coffee!”


Peach State