Forever Thirty Something



The strange things we yearn to believe, as we age, is that we will never be OLD!

But…the sad truth is there is no stopping the speedinglocomotiveofachesandpains with the added joy of wrinklesandmoreachesandpains.


To be honest…I enjoy looking in the mirror at the “crazy lady”.  She makes the day a bit more interesting and fun, when she is awake!

“May your cup runneth over with love, laughter and really fabulous coffee!”


Peach State




2015…What A Year!

IMG_2147I know it has been a while since my last post but, I really have a good excuse!

“2015…What A Year!”

Here are the stats:

Deaths2 I lost my grandmother and my dad!  Not to mention the loss of two other dear VIP friends. 

Marriages…1 My 22 year old son got married in January and they had …

(Wait for it)

Births…1 We have a precious grandson!  He was born a month early and is doing fine!  What a delight he is!

So much has happened this past year with my little family life has been a bit of a blur!

My youngest decided to try Cross Country this school year.  May I speak as a Proud Parent…he broke a record, was Rookie of the year and made Varsity!  Track season is next!

I have missed our time together and can’t wait to start writing again.  Of course I will have my cheerful cup of coffee (aka…6 shots of espresso) next to me.

“May your cup runneth over with joy, laughter and coffee!”

Peach State

Peach State says: Noisy Morning


The sound of the lightly falling rain, in it’s on again off again dance, mixed with the sound of chirps and tweets.  The gentle dripping sound as the raindrops weigh down the lush green leaves and collectively flow to the next leaf in it’s journey to the ground.  Then, in the midst of the the relaxing spa soundscape, a crashing swoosh of pelting drops and scurrying varmints.  Picture this…the squirrels are jumping from branch to branch shaking every leaf.  It is shaping up to be a blissful “Noisy Morning” complete with a set of rain sticks rotating like an hour glass.

I need more coffee to enjoy this properly.
“May your cup runneth over with joy, love and laughter oh, and really fabulous cup of coffee!”

Peach State

Peach State says:  The Power of Invisible Mosquitos!


Now that you have finished the laughing and nodding your head in total agreement…think about it!  

We try to keep our emotions in check!  The proverbial straight-jacket-squad stands ready, at all sides, to jump in and wrap you up like a snug-little-bug-in-a-rug to keep us from flying off our assorted handles.  Yes, assorted handles!  The handles may be oversized, large, small or even loose needing to be tightened…but that doesn’t mean anything.  Size doesn’t matter because they are individually related to each of us!  What may be small for some may be huge for others!  So my lecture for the day…mainly speaking to myself…is:

Shake your head, shed a tear, and don’t forget “The Power Of Invisible Mosquitos!”…Then laugh!  And when you are done remember one thing!  (Am I listening?)


Let go!…God has stronger hands to hold my circumstances, and the those belonging to those close to me, in order.  He’s got this!!! Oh, and He gave us the ability to laugh when thinking about those wonderful “Invisible Mosquitos!”

“May your cup runneth over with joy, love and laughter oh, and really fabulous coffee!”

Peach State

Peach State says:  How Not to Clean House

Just a few weeks from now my father-in-law will be visiting… Yeah I know… This is

                                “How To Not Clean House!”

Hubby wanted to re-paint and then his concept got a bit larger than just painting.  Crown moulding and archways have been added.

This is how it looked before…I will post finished pics later.  “After the painting is complete!”

My walls look like the house has a spotted disease from a Dr. Seuss book.

The painters will arrive bright and early ( translation…not a moment to soon! ) tomorrow morning.  By lunch I should have some progress to show you.  We are re-painting the family room, kitchen, hallway and Master bedroom and bath.  I can’t wait for this to be over…so that I can start cleaning for the visit!

I better buy more COFFEE I have a feeling I am going to need it!

“May your cup runneth over with joy, love and laughter oh, and really fabulous coffee!”

Peach State

Peach State says:  That’s All I Have to Say About That!

Yep…“That’s All I Have to Say About That!”

“May your cup runneth over with joy, love and laughter oh, and really fabulous coffee!”

Peach State 

Peach State says: SNOWDAY 2015


                                                                “SNOWDAY 2015”

Of course the view has been disturbed by my youngest who is, YES, out of school!

Now to find a face for “Baby Olaf”!

“May your cup runneth over with joy, love and laughter oh, and really fabulous coffee!”

Peach State

Peach State says: A Graceful Lady Passes

The day had finally arrived.
We had all expected the news…yet who really wants to hear the words. “Mema passed away this morning.”
These words are still ringing vividly after almost two weeks. Let me just say…

“A Graceful Lady Passes!”

A sweet gathering of friends and family remembered Mema in the quietly spoken words and gentle hugs. Memories flooded the small chapel as her beautiful reminder lay quiet. “Funerals are not one of my strong suits!”
The minister had asked for memories from the grandchildren and great-grands. Funny thing is…the words were all the same. He spoke with me before the service and asked if was the author of a certain memory. I smiled and said yes…Here are the words.

“Just a few words or brief memory…impossible! This is the best I can do.
Butterscotch ( buttered rum) Lifesavers, Juicy Fruit gum, Clove gum, 7-up and grape juice, Welch’s Grape Juice, taffy pulls, coloring, fluffy comforters, her grace and elegance, dress-up like a princess, etiquette lessons, crossing legs at the ankles, using correct grammar, life lessons and shared wisdom, simple made special, fresh tomato sandwiches, tuna sandwiches and tomato soup, We don’t play with the buzzer, the joys of conversation, walks on the beach, choosing a good book, the preparing of a tray and successfully carrying it to the sun parlor, and the importance of a good cup of coffee.
Mema impacted my life and will continue to impact my life with everything she taught me. I love you Mema!”

It has been difficult to walk through my home and not think of Mema…
I run my hand on the back of the four chairs that used to occupy her home. These memory filled reminders tug at my heart with lessons and laughter from the past. Even now, as I sit out on my screened-porch, I find a smile on my face as I recall the conversations we had over morning coffee. The calming appreciation of the scampering squirrels chasing each other through the trees and crunchy ground cover as well as the gentle breeze stirring the tall slender trunks of leafless branches were just one of the valuable lessons she passed on to those who would take the time to listen. “I listened!”
“Of course…I need more coffee to truly experience this memory…Be Right Back!”

Well that’s better! Granted she wasn’t an espresso drinker!

There was a picture at the service of Mema sitting in the white chair that now sits in my foyer/dinning room. I, sadly, do not have that photo but will be inquiring about it!


The little pink “Princess Chair” sits in my room and has been used quite a bit. “I put my shoes and socks on while sitting in this delicate chair.”

2015/01/img_2178.jpg How can I not think about her at every turn in my house?



So with a tearful eye and enriched heart I cast a “royal like wave”, as only she would wave, up to heaven to let her know she may be gone but in no way forgotten.

“May your cup runneth over with joy, love and laughter oh, and really fabulous coffee!”

Peach State

Peach State says: HAPPY NEW YEAR!


Peach State says: Halfway Through the Holidays…I Need a Nap!


With house full, well sort of, of Holiday Spirit and overflowing with used Kleenex, antibiotics, the companion “Quils” and Halls lozenges we want to say Merry Christmas from our house to yours.

It has been a busy month and a half and once again my military son flew home. Our son who lives 2 hours away came home to join in the festivities. I, sadly, find myself longing for routine. Any routine…I’m not picky! With everything, surrounding the move, hitting at about the same time we have not been able to settle in to a routine. Man oh man…We are only “Halfway Through the Holidays…I Need a Nap!”

Just a few more days of the Christmas decorations before they disappear for another year. And we usher in another year…

So…if I don’t make it back before New Years…”Happy New Year!!!

“May your cup runneth over with joy, love and laughter oh, and really fabulous coffee!”

Peach State